LPA east of Central Luzon now tropical depression Karding

The low pressure area (LPA) east of Central Luzon has developed into tropical depression Karding, the 11th tropical cyclone to enter and form in the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) in 2022.

Tropical Depression Karding (Photo courtesy of PAGASA)

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said the weather disturbance developed at 8 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 22.

Based on the initial forecast released by the state weather bureau, Karding is expected to bring heavy rains in Northern and Central Luzon. It may likewise make landfall in the vicinity of the east coast of Isabela or Cagayan on Sunday, Sept. 25.

PAGASA said they may raise wind signals as early as Friday evening, Sept. 23 or Saturday morning, Sept. 24.

Meanwhile, apart from Karding, the southwest monsoon, locally called "habagat," is also being monitored. This weather system, according to PAGASA, may bring partly cloudy skies with isolated rain showers in various parts of the country. In a public weather forecast, PAGASA weather specialist Benison Estareja said that the southwest monsoon will particularly affect the western sections of Central and Southern Luzon in the next 24 hours.