IN PICTURES: Miel Pangilinan's star-studded 18th birthday party

Some showbiz stars graced the 18th birthday of Miel Pangilinan, daughter of celebrity couple Sharon Cuneta and Kiko Pangilinan.

On Instagram, the Megastar flooded her feed with behind-the-scenes snaps.

It includes a photo of attendees like Judy Ann Santos and Dr. Aivee Tan.

Then there's the cast of Sharon's "FPJ's Ang Probinsyano" namely Rosanna Roces, Lorna Tolentino, Shaina Magdayao, and Jay Gonzaga.

Also in there was Ara Mina and Zsa Zsa Padilla.

Of course, Sharon's family was complete, with all of her kids present at the said event including KC Concepcion.