Bulacan police net carnapper, drug peddler in anti-crime ops

The continuous anti-crime operations of the Bulacan police on Saturday, Aug. 20, resulted in the arrests of a suspected carnapper and a drug peddler in the City of San Jose Del Monte and San Rafael town, respectively, in the province of Bulacan.

Col. Charlie A. Cabradilla, acting Bulacan police director, identified the arrested alleged carnapper as John Lagrimas, 26.

Cabradilla said Lagrimas was nabbed for carnapping a motorcycle during a follow-up police operation by the City of San Jose Del Monte (CSJDM) police in Towerville, Barangay Minuyan in the city.

Recovered from the suspect were one kitchen knife, and one improvised handgun (pen gun) loaded with two live ammunitions.

It was not included in the police report if the stolen motorcycle was recovered.

Meanwhile, a drug-bust operation conducted by the Station Drug Unit Enforcement (SDEU) of San Rafael police led to the arrest of Jaypee Santos alias "Jhe," after a consummated drug trade in Brgy. Tambubong, San Rafael.

Recovered were four sachets of suspected shabu and marked money.

Cabradilla said the Bulacan police is no let-up in its zealous campaign against all forms of criminality and will bring criminals before the bars of justice as directed by the newly installed Central Luzon police regional director, Brig. Gen. Cesar R. Pasiwen.