“Daluyong,” an entry by a young filmmaker from Quezon Province, was named Grand Prix winner of the 2022 MBC Short Film Festival. Directed by Ervie Jay Torzar, and set among the native fisherfolk in Atimonan, the movie depicts the heartwarming story of an aspiring rapper who fishes by day to help augment the family income, only to have his dream cut short when his mother succumbs to the Covid-19 virus.
“Daluyong” bested four other finalists in the Short Feature category before copping the grand prize over Gio Gonzalvez’ “Kambalingan,” which was this year’s Best Documentary, and Are Jay Peralta’s “Proud,” which was declared Best Animated Film. The three category winners, who will receive PhP 100,000 each, lorded it over an original field of 153 entries, which were later trimmed down to 15 finalists. Torzar will get an additional PhP100,000 for his Grand Prix win.
Garnering the most number of online votes from July 15-29, Jericho Rimando’s “The Transfiguration of Marya” won the Viewers’ Choice award. Like Peralta, Rimando also competed under the aegis of the University of Makati.
The 2022 MBC Short Film Festival featured a stellar line-up of jurors, led by Cannes World Film Festival Best Director Epy Quizon, Disney Animation’s Head of Story Josie Trinidad, and former USIS Audio-Visual Specialist Agnes Caballa, who is now creative consultant for GMA-7. Category jurors included Sundance Grand Prix winner Don Josephus Raphael Eblahan, Khavn dela Cruz, Nicole Yulo, Sari Dalena, Jewel Maranan, Miker Rivero, Mars Cabrera, Martin Macalintal of the French Embassy, and Gary Thomas of the British Council.
MSFF 2022 is a project of Manila Broadcasting Company with generous support from Dito Telecommunity, Solbac, Beko, the Asian Institute of Computer Studies, Zuki by SB Finance, and Alfonso Light Brandy. All 15 films may still be viewed online for free via dzrh.com.ph/msff until Aug. 31.