New MIAA Chief hits ground running

Newly-appointed Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) General Manager Cesar Chiong officially started his duties on Monday, August 1, after he took his oath of office Department of Transportation (DOTr) Sec. Jaime Bautista last week.

In his speech during the flag raising ceremony, Chiong discussed to airport employees his leadership style and philosophy.

"In terms of my leadership philosophy, basically, I practice what I preach. I also request that everyone to be trustworthy, honest and competent," the 52-year-old official said.

Chiong is no newcomer to the aviation industry. He started working at the Philippine Airlines (PAL) as a management trainee at a tender age of 19.

He slowly rose from the ranks until Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. picked him to be his MIAA chief.

He encouraged airport employees to work together as a team to achieve the organization's goals.

"When we are trying to reach our goals, it takes individual excellence but we have to work together. We should not be competing, we should be working as a team and I think my experience may be vast but I don’t purport to know everything," he said.

"I don’t know the monopoly of wisdom so I need to learn a lot from all of you and I hope you will also share your learnings and experiences with me," he added.