DPWH to construct 3-storey barracks for AFP female personnel

A new barracks for female members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will be constructed inside the military’s General Headquarters at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City, the Department of Public Works and Highways announced ton Tuesday, July 19.

DPWH National Capital Regional Director Nomer Abel P. Canlas said at least P52 milliion was allocated to finance the three-storey building which will occupy a 1,620-square-meter area at Camp Aguinaldo.

photo: DPWH

“The first two floors will house the headquarters and offices while the living quarters will be on the third floor,” said Canlas.

A groundbreaking ceremony was already held between DPWH officials and AFP officers led by Maj. Gen. Manuel V. Sequitin, the head of the military’s Civil Relations Service.

photo: DPWH

The barracks building is one of the four ongoing projects being implemented at Camp Aguinaldo that are funded under the convergence program of DPWH and the Department of National Defense.

Canlas said the projects are aimed at replacing the old and dilapidated buildings inside military camps.