Ex-VP Robredo gives virtual tour of Angat Buhay office

Former vice president Leni Robredo on Wednesday, July 13, gave a virtual tour of her new office in the headquarters of Angat Buhay, the nongovernment organization she founded and currently chairs to continue her poverty alleviation programs.

Former vice president Leni Robredo (OVP photo)

The three-story building will house the museum of her campaign paraphernalia and souvenirs on the first floor, conference rooms on the second floor, and offices on the top floor.

Robredo gave a tour of her new office, the conference room adjacent to it, and the staff’s cubicles on Facebook Live. She shared that her office, whose walls have a tropical-themed mural, was done for free by the same group behind The Oasis Project, a temporary shelter for medical frontliners during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Yung (The) pending requests for courtesy visit, ire-resume natin ‘yun ang promise namin sa inyo ... Kahit na mas maliit ito sa OVP, dito na ulit i-resume ‘yung mga bisita (we will resume that’s our promise to you ... Even if this is smaller than the OVP, we will resume the visits),” she said.

Robredo shared that she wasn’t able to accommodate everyone who wanted to visit her before her term ended.

“Hopefully, before the end of the month and the entire month of August, babawi kami sa inyo (we will make it up to you),” she added.

Meanwhile, the former vice president also led the signing of agreements with Project: Steady, Adarna House, and Negrense Volunteers for Change (NVC) Foundation, Inc. for various projects of Angat Buhay.

Former vice president Leni Robredo signs an agreement with NVC Foundation, an Angat Buhay NGO partner, on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. (Photo courtesy of Angat Buhay)

Project: Steady is an initiative under Rock Ed Philippines and its founder Gang Badoy Capati to respond to mental health needs of Filipinos during times of crises.

With Angat Buhay, Project: Steady will organize onsite and virtual mental health decompression sessions for the staff, partners, and volunteers of the NGO.

Adarna House, which published the book “Dancing Waters” about Robredo’s rise to the vice presidency, also entered into a partnership with Angat Buhay.

Half of the total proceeds for the 2021 publication of “Dancing Waters” went to the Angat Buhay program when it was still under the Office of the Vice President (OVP).

READ: Robredo to pursue ‘new chapter’ as Angat Buhay NGO leader

“Last July 4, 2022, Adarna House reached out to Angat Buhay and expressed their intent of publishing an updated edition of the Dancing Waters. Adarna House intends to continue to donate 50 percent of the sales of the storybook to support Angat Buhay,” its Facebook post read.

Robredo, who had expressed intentions to focus on the malnutrition rate in the country, also led the signing of the MOA with the NVC “to continue the implementation of a home-based 6-month nutrition program targeting children aged 5 years old and below who are identified as undernourished.”

Under the program, children will be fed once a day with NVC-manufactured Mingo meals, which contain rice, monggo, and malunggay as per the recommendation of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI).

The children’s nutrition status will be monitored at least every 2 months.