The right combination​

The treatment combo can do good for your skin

When it comes to aging, sometimes one treatment is not enough. In fact, some treatments combined can produce better results, and that means double the work in less the time. This week, let’s talk about one treatment combo that works in synergy—ultrasound technology and dermal filler—and what benefits it can do for the skin. 

As we know, Ultherapy is one of the most popular non-invasive treatments that can be an alternative to those not ready or not allowed to have a surgical facelift. Ultherapy is an FDA-approved treatment that can contour, tighten, and lift the eyebrows, chin, and neck by stimulating collagen production in the deepest layers of the skin. On the other hand, dermal fillers offer benefits too. Radiesse, a calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHa) filler, is also an FDA-approved treatment that can iron out moderate to severe wrinkles such as smile lines that can also enhance collagen production. It can also add volume and contour the skin.

Together, are there additional benefits they can offer?

The answer is yes. A paper by Kerscher et al. (2019) observed nine out of 22 subjects treated with microfocused ultrasound with visualization (MFU-V) at the area underneath the chin (submental area) and after 12 weeks, a CaHA filler at the jawline. They were observed at different periods for 48 weeks. The results were favorable—a better appearance, improved skin thickness, and firmness. Aside from that, other clinics are doing this combination too, as Ultherapy can lift and tighten the skin while Radiesse can smoothen lines and wrinkles. The result? A fresher, more youthful look! While temporary, both Ultherapy and Radiesse treatments can offer longer lasting effects because of their ability to enhance collagen production. This combination treatment can even be done on other parts of the body, such as the chest and neck. Ultherapy goes first, then after a few weeks interval, Radiesse. Which parts of the face and body to focus on, or which areas where both treatments will be administered will depend on the doctor’s assessment. 

While temporary, both Ultherapy and Radiesse treatments can offer longer lasting effects because of their ability to enhance collagen production. This combination treatment can even be done on other parts of the body, such as the chest and neck.

Every skin is different, from its color and texture to the tone. These are shaped by a person’s age, ethnicity, genetics, and their lifestyle. This is why sometimes, one type of treatment is not enough. This is also why a careful assessment by a physician is important so that the right combination of treatments will suit their needs best. Remember to consult with a certified and trained dermatologist when it comes to skin issues. Also, always aim for a healthy lifestyle since it always goes together with good skin and aging well.