NCIP to celebrate Cultural Communities Week 2022

Pursuant to Proclamation No. 250 signed on April 20, 1998, the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) will be celebrating Cultural Communities Week from July 10 until July 16.

Cultural Communities Week 2022 (Image courtesy of NCIP)

By virtue of this proclamation, the Cultural Communities Week is observed annually every second week of July. This celebration aims to raise awareness about the indigenous tribes in the country by honoring their contribution and relevance to the nation’s progress.

“NCIP invites everyone to join us as we celebrate the wonderful culture and traditions of our Indigenous Peoples this July 12 at 8 a.m. via Facebook live,” said NCIP in its official Facebook page.

With the theme “Culture Serves as a Thread that Weaves the Link from our Ancestors to the Present and Next Generation,” the Commission aims to promote the rich cultural heritage of indigenous Filipinos.