Bohol bridge collapsed due to overloading, says provincial engineer

CEBU CITY -- The bridge in Catigbian town, Bohol collapsed because of overloading, authorities found out.

A POLICEMAN looks at the Borja Bridge in Catigbian, Bohol that collapsed while a 12-wheel truck was crossing Thursday, June 16. (Photo contributed by Catigbian police)

The Provincial Engineering Office reported that the Borja Bridge collapsed due to the weight of the 12-wheeler truck that tried to cross on Thursday morning.

In his report to Bohol Governor Arthur Yap, Provincial Engineer Camilo Gasatan said that the bridge’s maximum allowable weight limit is 20 tons.

The bridge’s capacity was indicated on both sides of the bridge, Gasatan said.

Gasatan said that the truck that was crossing the bridge when the structure collapsed had an estimated weight of eight tons.

At the time of the incident, the truck was loaded with 24-cubic meter wet sand weighing at least 38.4 tons.

Overall, the truck weighed 46.4 tons when it tried to cross the bridge, Gasatan said.

Gasatan said no one was injured during the incident.

The Borja Bridge collapse happened less than two months after the tragic collapse of another bridge in Bohol.

The Clarin Bridge in Loay town collapsed last April 27 that sent at least 15 vehicles plunging into the water.

Four persons, including an Austrian tourist, were killed in the incident.