With a total of 135,058 examinees expected to take the Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) on Sunday, June 19, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) issued some reminders on Monday, June 13.
CSC said that examinees may already check their school assignments by checking the Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA) on the CSC website at www.csc.gov.ph or inquiring with the concerned CSC Regional Office. They are also strongly advised to read the “Examinee’s Guide in Taking CSE-PPT” to be familiar with the whole examination process.
As a must, CSC reminded that examinees must wear a face mask upon entry and at all times within the testing venue. Fully vaccinated examinees must bring a proof of full vaccination; if otherwise, they must present a negative RT-PCR/saliva/antigen test result.
Examinees should also bring the following requirements:
- Valid ID card, preferably the same ID card presented during the filing of application.
- Health Declaration Form, pre-accomplished not earlier than one day or within 24 hours prior to exam day. The temperature reading will be supplied upon going through thermal scanning at the main entrance of the testing venue.
- Certificate of Consent
- Black ballpen/s. Borrowing or sharing of ballpen shall not be allowed.
- Personal alcohol or sanitizer, not more than 100 mL in size
Gates of testing venues shall close at exactly 7:45 a.m. and examinees who arrive late shall not be admitted.
"Thus, they are advised to visit or conduct an ocular inspection of the venue beforehand to be familiar with its location, route/direction to take, available means of public transport, among other considerations," CSC said.
CSC also stated that examinees may also bring water in a clear or transparent container, as well as candies or biscuits, which may only be consumed outside the testing room upon approval of the Room Examiner or Proctor.
As for the prohibited acts, CSC reminded examinees that bringing the test booklet out of the testing room or venue is strictly prohibited.
"Likewise, examinees are not allowed to bring with them to their seat devices such as cellular phones, smart watch, or any other gadgets that can be used to capture an audio or video recording of any portion of the test materials or of the exam process," it added.
Moreover, the following acts of cheating under Republic Act No. 9416 or the Anti-Cheating Law shall be prohibited:
- Impersonation;
- Use of codigo or crib sheets;
- Employing a poste or a person inside or outside of the examination room who may or may not be a registered examinee but who provides examinees with answers or "codigo" or "crib sheets" or such other assistance purportedly to enhance examinee’s better chances of passing;
- Tampering with the examination records such as the Answer Data Files, the Application Forms or the Picture-Seat Plan to facilitate the passing of an examinee who have failed;
- Collusion of whatever nature between examinees and examination personnel;
- Examinee number switching;
- Such other acts of similar nature which facilitate the passing of an examination.
Those found in violation of R.A. 9416 may be meted the penalty of imprisonment of not less than 6 years and 1 day but not more than 12 years, and a fine of not less than P50,000.