FASHION PULIS: Shocking secret

Over the years of being in showbiz, Stunned Female (SF) and Versatile Personality (VP) have developed a closeness that was envied by many. SF and VP have worked together in several projects that included movies, TV series, and specials. The two had rapport on and off screen. Hence, they were comfortable with each one. SF was confident she knew much about VP and he seemed to be an ideal man.

One day, SF managed to look into the messages of VP, and she probably wished she had not. After seeing a message, SF’s mood changed. From bewilderment to shock, SF was at a loss with what she read. Apparently, the message was from a bookie, and the contents detailed the fetish preference of VP. SF could not believe reading terms: male, 15, masseur, allegedly.

All this time, SF thought VP was interested in her, but he was not. He had a preference for a male minor. Thoughts of VP possibly being a pedophile was hard for SF. Just like that, her high admiration for VP went down the drain quickly. Their relationship was tarnished and the years of thinking she knew him very well turned out wrong.

‘Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.’ − Paulo Coelho

Unexpected Visitor

When Her Staff (HS) found out that Pretty Talent (PT) fell ill, a mystery needed to be solved. HS wondered about PT’s condition because citizens are conscious to observe health protocols, much more with people who have commitments.

HS worried if PT’s Boyfriend (HB) might be the culprit, but HB has also been conscious of following guidelines. He has work and knows the consequences of not fulfilling commitments. Competition in the workplace is tough and anyone can be replaced.

While friends, fans, and family were puzzled, PT had to think of a convincing story. However, PT confessed to HS about her secret incident. HB never visited. Someone else did. PT has a Cute Neighbor (CN) who comes over secretly. HS surmised that PT probably was just lonely and feeling isolated, as protocols have limited movement. Besides, HB was staying put and not coming as expecting. After a few days from visiting PT, CN was allegedly confined. PT could not tell another soul or else people could question her on the secret visits.

To keep everything under wraps, PT just gave a more acceptable reason to people who cared about her well-being. Only she and PT knew the truth.

‘I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out.’ ― Ally Carter

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