Lifestyle change necessary to help save the environment – Bishop Pabillo

Taytay, Palawan Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo has called on the faithful to change their lifestyle to help save the environment and the world we live in.


During the recent observance of Earth Hour, Bishop Pabillo, chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines – Episcopal Commission on Stewardship said, the public must deviate from their usual practices such as the excessive use of energy to help save the environment.

“Let us pray for everyone to try to change their lifestyle such as the excessive use of energy, which is a limited resource,” the Church leader said over Radio Veritas.

On March 26, more than 192 countries including the Philippines observed Earth Hour by turning off the lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. An initiative of the World Wide Fund for Nature, the observance highlights the need to preserve the environment.

This year’s theme is Shape Our Future which aims to remind the public of every individual’s role in preserving and shaping the future of the world we live in.

"Let our observance of the Earth Hour go beyond the one hour that we turned off the lights. Let us always be mindful of our role as stewards of the environment. If we continue to destroy the environment, we are also destroying the future. We will all be affected,” Bishop Pabillo stressed.