Napolcom cited for fast action on citizens complaints in 2021

The National Police Commission (PNP) has received a commendation from the Office of the President's 8888 Citizens Complaint Center for its timely resolution of clients concerns last year.

Established in 2016, the 8888 CCC serves as a mechanism for citizens to report their complaints and grievances on acts of red tape as defined under Republic Act No. 9485, as amended by RA No. 11032, and/or corruption activities of any national government agency and other government corporation, financial institution, or instrumentalities.

Pursuant to the minimum operating standards of the 8888 CCC, the citizen's concern shall immediately be referred to the concerned government agency for appropriate action, which shall have a concrete and specific action within 72 hours from receipt of the concern. Failure of the government agency to respond in a timely manner will be considered grounds for administrative sanctions.

The commendation was given to Napolcom for for acting in a timely manner all the 153 tickets of clients’ concerns received from January 1 to December 31, 2021.

Majority of the tickets are related to pension/claims of police retirees and their beneficiaries with a total of 93 tickets or 60.78 percent; 35 concerns or 22.88 percent are integrity-related concerns; 14 or 9.15 percent concerns are related to police cases; 8 or 5.23 percent are commendations on efficient delivery of services; and 3 or 1.96 percent are employee-related concerns.

Napolcom Vice Chairperson and Executive Officer (VCEO) Alberto A. Bernardo said the recognition reflects the Commission’s commitment in providing efficient, effective, and responsive service to the public.

“We wanted the Napolcom to be responsive to the community. We show to the public that we can be reached out by any means – we have the #8888, the email, our telephones”, Bernardo said.