The Catholic faithful will observe the Fourth Sunday of Lent on March 27 as a Sunday of joy and rejoicing.
Also known as Laetare Sunday, from the first words of the Introit in holy masses, “Laetare Jerusalem!” (Rejoice, O Jerusalem!), the day highlights the nearness of the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday.
The traditional theme for the Fourth Sunday of Lent is “Hope and Rejoicing.” Church hymns traditionally speak of joy, hope, and consolation. “Lent is half over and Easter is near. The shift to a joyous mood is meant to encourage the faithful to persevere fervently to the end of this holy season as well as to focus on the hope and rejoicing that the Resurrection of Christ is near,” Church officials said.
The Church encourages the faithful to observe the safety health protocols when going to church and to refrain from wiping, touching, and kissing the images inside the church.
Meanwhile, His Holiness Pope Francis has extended the plenary indulgence for the commemoration of the 500 Years of Christianity in the country.
“The decision of the Holy Father comes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected activities for many people, and particularly to the request of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines,” said the CBCP News.
“By means of the decree, the Pope extended the opportunities for pilgrims visiting any of the more than 500 Jubilee Churches to gain indulgences until December 31, 2022. The decree dated March 17 was issued by Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary,” the CBCP said.
CBCP president Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David said that with the more relaxed health protocols, the churches are allowed to increase their capacity in masses and other religious activities. “It also gives us a greater possibility to push with our spiritual and ecclesiastical celebrations relative to the celebrations of the Jubilee Year,” Bishop David said.
The indulgence was originally limited from April 4, 2021 to April 22, 2022.
To obtain the plenary indulgence, the pilgrims are required to go to confession, to receive the Holy Eucharist, and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
The faithful are also asked to pray “for the fidelity of the Filipino people to their Christian calling, for the increase of priestly and religious vocations and for the defense of the family, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer, the profession of faith, and an invocation to the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
The Jubilee Year closes on April 24, Divine Mercy Sunday.