UP highlights importance of preparedness against CBRN incidents amid pandemic

Aside from the Covid-19 pandemic, the threat of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) incidents exist, public health experts warned on Friday, March 25.

Amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the University of the Philippines (UP) held a webinar to educate the public on the importance of CBRN preparedness in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

(Screengrab / TVUP's YouTube Page)

During the webinar, Dr. Irma Makalinao, professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of UP College of Medicine, said that aside from the spread of Covid-19, FIlipinos must be prepared against the possible dangers that other worldwide conflicts such as wars may trigger.

“What I just want to say now is that as the world looks at the medical community and the role that we will play as people are threatened during this period of human history – the Ukraine and Russia war, we need to be more prepared,” said Makalinao.

Meanwhile, Dr. April Llaneta, former chair of the UP-Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Department of Emergency Medicine said that a so-called National CBRN Action Plan exists.

This action plan aims to reduce the threat and damage from CBRN incidents of accidental, natural, and intentional origin, including terrorist acts.

“The risk scenarios when we are dealing with CBRN agents include diseases, natural hazards such as earthquakes and floods impacting CBRN materials. The more common ones would be the accidents which include industrial, laboratory and transportation accidents,” said Llaneta.

Criminal hazards involving terrorism, sabotage, and illicit trafficking of CBRN agents likewise exist, she added.

Furthermore, Llaneta reiterated the role of health care workers during a CBRN incident.

The expert said that health care workers can assist first responders in managing exposed individuals at the site, receive casualties from a CBRN event, and manage casualties with the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), skills and resources.