The Philippine Center on Transnational Crime (PCTC) has signed an agreement with the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) to strengthen the campaign against the flow of money and other forms of fundings for local terrorists and criminals.
Retired police general and Undersecretary Alfred S. Corpus, PCTC executive director, said the agreement is more on sharing of information between the two agencies.
This is not merely an agreement signed between the two agencies for the sole purpose of having a systematic sharing of information. It goes beyond as we wanted to safeguard our national security,” said Cirpus.
The Memorandum of Agreement was signed on Monday, March 14, between Corpus for PCTC and lawyer Mel Georgie B. Racela for AMLC.
The agreement would allow AMLC to access in real time the databases of INTERPOL (International Police) through the I-24/7 system.
Rachel said the move will enhance the cooperation of both agencies in addressing money laundering and terrorism financing activities.
"As the COVID-19 pandemic opened a new opportunity for criminals to victimize the public online, it is crucial for government agencies to improve their existing capabilities to effectively dismantle illicit networks," said Corpus.