Robredo backs PH stance condemning Ukraine invasion: “We’ve to stand against bullying”

Vice President Leni Robredo on Sunday, March 6, expressed support to the Philippine government for condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by joining a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution.

Demonstrators hold signs reading “Putin is bombing Ukraine” and “Stop Putin Now” during a protest against Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, in Barcelona on February 26, 2022. (AFP)

Robredo, a presidential aspirant, also highlighted the importance of taking a stand against bullying and oppression.

“I stand firmly behind the Philippine government's stance supporting the international community in condemning the invasion of Ukraine,” she said in a statement.

The Vice President also condemned the violence inflicted upon Ukrainians and “ violation of its sovereignty, and the threat that now hangs above all the innocent lives in the region.”

“It is a moral imperative to stand against bullying and unprovoked aggression, especially given the reports of civilians and residential areas deliberately targeted in the course of this invasion,” she added.

Robredo, whose presidential bid is in full swing, also expressed “admiration” to the Ukrainians’ “courage and resilience.”

“(I) am proud of their efforts to defend freedom and a rights-based order— ideals that the Filipino people share,” she said.

Earlier, the Philippines joined 141 other nations in deploring Russia’s aggression in neighboring Ukraine.

READ: PH supports UN General Assembly's condemnation of Ukraine invasion

During an emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the UN Enrique Manalo cast a “yes” vote on the resolution on Thursday, March 3 (Manila time).

Five others voted “no” while 35 countries abstained from voting.

The adopted UN resolution “demands” Russia “immediately” withdraw from Ukraine.

Robredo earlier asked the Philippine government to ensure the safety of more than 300 Filipinos in Ukraine.

While the country has already extracted more than half of the Filipinos from Ukraine, many still remain believing the situation will soon improve, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) earlier said.

READ: Safe at last: 13 Pinoys arrive in PH from Ukraine

Russian forces, on orders of President Vladimir Putin, have launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine by land, sea, and air, signaling the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since the Second World War.

The invasion came after months of speculations that Putin would recognize the breakaway People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk (DNR and LNR), which are considered separatist groups in Ukraine.

Peace talks between Russia and Ukraine held in Belarus also ended without breakthrough as Russian forces continue their descent on Ukrainian towns and forced people out of their homes.