Senatorial bet Padilla backs call for ‘sari-sari’ stores to be allowed to sell OTC drugs

Partido Reporma senatorial candidate Dr. Minguita Padilla on Wednesday said she supports calls for neighborhood convenience stores or “sari-sari” stores to be allowed to seel over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.


“Sari-sari stores should not be prevented from selling OTC medicines,” Padilla said during a press conference in Lucena City when asked about the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) plan to ban sales of paracetamol, dextromethorphan, and other basic drugs in neighborhood outlets.

Padilla said it would only make it harder for Filipinos to buy medicines for common ailments if they have to go beyond their neighborhoods to purchase them.

“This is too much for the ordinary folk in the barrios. Perhaps if barangay health centers always have supply of these (OTC) medicines, then OK. But there isn’t. Pity the barrio folk or those who live far from the nearest pharmacy,” she pointed out.

“What should be banned is the sale of drugs that need a doctor’s prescription, and must be dispensed by a pharmacist. This includes the fake medicine to treat COVID-19,” said Padilla, who is included in the senatorial slate of Partido Reporma standard bearer Senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson and Senate President Vicente Sotto III.

If the government’s concer is the possible proliferation of fake OTC drugs, she said the FDA should go after those who manufacture and distribute these items.

Padilla said the agency should publish on their website and on newspapers, radio and television the brands of these fake medicines and their distributors to warn the public.

“A little investigation and political will can stop this illegal activity. This is the correct solution, not to make the people suffer even more),” she stressed.