As a school-based organization, the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) is not allowed to engage in partisan political activities inside the schools according to the Department of Education (DepEd).

“We continue to recognize and value the partnership of the community, our parents, our teachers, and our school administration in ensuring the delivery of quality basic education for all of our learners,” DepEd said.
However, DepEd clarified the relationship between the agency and the PTAs in respective schools.
The PTA, DepEd said, is a school-based organization that helps in “ensuring the delivery of education-related services to all of our stakeholders.”
Citing DepEd Order No. 54 series of 2009, the agency noted that “...As an organization operating in the school, the PTA shall adhere to all existing policies and implementing guidelines issued or hereinafter may be issued by the Department of Education. The PTA shall serve as a support group and as a significant partner of the school whose relationship shall be defined by cooperative and open dialogue with stakeholders to promote the welfare of the students.”
The DepEd Order No. 54, series of 2009 also states that “all PTA activities within the school premises or which involve the school, its personnel or students shall be with prior consultation and approval of the School Head.”
DepEd said that the said order further stipulates certain prohibited activities for the PTA, including “engagement in any partisan political activity within school premises.”