RPOC-NCR lauds Mandaluyong LGU for its anti-illegal drugs campaign

The Department of Interior and Local Government's (DILG) Regional Peace and Order Council -NCR (RPOC-NCR) cited the city of Mandaluyong for its anti-illegal drugs campaign as the city ramped up its efforts to combat the spread of illegal drugs.

During the city's assembly on Monday, Feb.21, officials from RPOC-NCR, gave the plaque of recognition to Mandaluyong City Mayor Menchie Abalos for her efforts in fighting illegal drugs. They also lauded the efforts of the law enforcement elements of the city in combating addiction.

The city's Anti-Drug Abuse Council (MADAC) won the agency's search for the best video presentation on local government units' best practices on anti-illegal drugs campaign.

The audio-visual presentation by the MADAC summarized the city government's anti-illegal drug programs and services that continue to be implemented during this pandemic towards the new normal, which helped 15 out of 27 barangays in becoming drug-free communities by the end of 2021.

Chosen by RPOC-NCR as the best video campaign, it is now used in anti-illegal drugs campaigns all over the region.

Abalos said that the success of the city's anti-illegal drugs campaign could not have been possible without the members of MADAC who are former barangay captains.

"They know the barangay's terrain so we are able to properly bring down our programs to the communities along with the Philippine National Police (PNP)," Abalos said.

On Nov. 25 last year, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), DILG, Department of Health (DOH), and PNP certified that Barangay Namayan is now drug-free. The national agencies also commended the leadership of Barangay Chairman Dondon Francisco for clearing his area of illegal drugs.

PDEA has created a working group to closely monitor the nationwide implementation of the Barangay Drug Clearing Program (BDCP) designed to curb the proliferation of illegal drugs in the communities.

Under the program, law enforcement agencies take care of supply reduction efforts to disrupt the manufacture and distribution of dangerous drugs, while government agencies and local government units (LGUs) focus on demand and harm reduction strategies to prevent people from taking and wanting illegal drugs, and reform drug offenders to become productive citizens.