In candor and candidacies: Part three


Alex Eduque

I think timing is perfect that the third part of my series on what I look for in candidates, or what sways me to include someone on my list comes the weekend after the 90-day campaign period has officially kicked-off. People’s passionate energies are at an all time high, and social media has not been busier – both with bashing and promotion.

Allow me to take this opportunity not to further elaborate on the egging and defending that has gone on in my social media feed but rather, to speak about two more traits, or characteristics, if you will, that I look for in a candidate and that could potentially get them a spot on my personal list.

Integrity. Undoubtedly, a full, and loaded word that holds so much meaning and weight – not only (but especially) in candidates, but on anyone you would choose to trust. In this case, I tend to look at how the candidate chooses to uphold his/her integrity, and how he/she has done so in the past. Are they one to abide by their word? Are they one who does not always choose the easy path, but stands by his/her decision/s even if it means being in the fire sometimes? Have they been consistent and persistent in getting their points across? Are they one to ally with the administration and change alliances each term, or have they stuck it out? Are they victim to society’s impression and opinion of them, or have they actually made an effort to carve their own path and prove naysayers wrong? Of course multiple factors weigh into answering these questions as well, and what I tend to take into consideration. But ultimately, the integrity of a candidate weighs a whole lot in my choice and decision.

Tied in with integrity is the candidates’ choice of advocacies and platform. For me, it is not simply about the causes he/she chooses to fight for, but seeing as well that it is a fit with their image and character, and not one that is forced, or that he/she has simply chosen to get on the bandwagon with out of popularity.

Is the platform the candidate has chosen relevant with the times? Are his/her causes truly something that he/she is passionate about and cares for? Will they make an impact and a significant difference in the improvement, and betterment of the lives of the majority? Lastly, does it uphold the integrity of what he/she espouses, and do these resonate with what I stand for as a citizen?

As we make our way to the polls in May, it is our civic duty as citizens not only to vote, but to vote wisely. We have the next few months to research relevant information on the candidates, and to get to know those running for public office more. I am of the belief that one only has the right to complain, or only has the right to an opinion on the actions of our public servants if one votes. Make that vote of yours count, and share the message among family and friends to do the same.

It all starts within us. And no one else ever needs to know who you choose to vote for unless you decide to. It is your independent right to make a political choice, and that choice is yours. Own it!