FASHION PULIS: Own decision

Whenever Lovestruck Talent (LT) sends money to her kin, they would ask how she was doing.

LT would respond with short answers and give excuses, such as needing to rush off to work.

They understood that LT has many commitments and without them, she’ll lose work.

The day came when her kin read about LT and Her Man (HM). They were shocked as they were clueless that LT was in a relationship. They could not get a direct answer from LT during their phone conversations. The kin had to ask Someone Close (SC) about LT’s life choices. SC was privy to LT and HM. Hence, SC revealed details about HM, such LT spending much time in the home of HM.

The behavior of LT was too much for the conservative folks. Allegedly, one had to seek medical attention. LT asked her folks to calm down and not panic for her relationship. She assured them that living with a boyfriend is acceptable in the urban realm. LT reminded them that as long as she sends money, they should not worry. Besides, she’s old enough to make sound decisions.

Incidentally, LT asked SC to go on vacation, as she could not stand the meddling and gossiping about her love life. Even blood relations no longer matter when secrets are revealed.

‘Eventually we all have to accept full and total responsibility for our actions, everything we have done, and have not done.’ ― Hubert Selby Jr.

Drunken faux pas

Horror stories often emerge from someone who has had more than enough to drink. If high emotions, such as anger or sadness, do not take over, the drunk ends up revealing more than necessary. That was exactly what happened to Handsome Lothario (HL) at a party.

HL is linked to Wised-up Actress (WA) in reel and real situations. Together, HL and WA added interest to projects and the management realized the couple’s potential. Subsequently, the two were teased together and their sweetness was like an ant’s attraction to sugar. As always, villains come in to tempt HL away from WA. WA has kept quiet and accepted that their love team has to prove their detractors wrong.

During one party, HL became tipsy and the question of his status with WA was asked. HL said that he’s not into WA and everything he’s been doing was just for show and career. Bad luck hovered, as someone recorded the drunk revelations of HL and the recording made its way to WA.

To protect her interests, she distanced herself. Time passed and HL realized his irrelevance without WA. HL needed a second chance, but WA stood by her decision.

‘I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations - one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it - you will regret both.’ − Soren Kierkegaard

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