Discovering the fun in ebooks

Audra, in partnership with OMF, brings your eBook reading experience at par with your Internet experience

The science of reading involves understanding of cognitive sciences and psychology. This science has been recorded in various language around the world, in learnings that cost grand amounts of money. Such studies have figured out the best ways to teach children their reading and language skills, from simply speaking, to deciphering new words. Recently, with the advent of technology , reading has gone beyond science and have been mixed with art.

As reading is a form of education, creators, writers, animators, voice talents, and artists should give their children good reasons to read by adding engaging interactive activities and artwork to the text. Hence, the need for technology to be combined with the encouragement of keeping the habit of reading. This practice of reading should be done as frequently as scrolling through social media or online gaming.

As students are now stuck with online classes, it has become harder for them to focus with all the distractions they have at home. As this has become the new normal, our gadgets will be part of our system for a long time so it is best to make ebooks more interesting and appealing.

Audra, in partnership with OMF, brings your eBook reading experience at par with your Internet experience. An endeavor to bring back the fun in reading. After all, Plato said “Education is teaching our children to desire the right things”.