Depression: What you need to know

Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst

It is believed that depression drove Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Krsyt to leap to her death from the 60-storey New York high-rise on Sunday morning (Monday Manila time).

Fans were shocked when they learned about her death, saying there were no hints that Kryst was suffering from depression.

But how do you know if someone is depressed?

Filipino physician Dr. Jumel Bornilla, who is also a national pageant organizer, offers his unsolicited advice on the issue. He posted his thoughts about depression on Facebook.

Dr. Jumel Bornilla

What is depression?

Depression is a disorder that makes you sad, but it is different from normal sadness.

Depression can make it hard for you to work, study, or do everyday tasks.

How do I know if I am depressed?

Depressed people feel down most of the time for at least 2 weeks. They also have at least 1 of these 2 symptoms:

They no longer enjoy or care about doing the things they used to like to do.

They feel sad, down, hopeless, or cranky most of the day, almost every day.

Depression can also make you:

Lose or gain weight

Sleep too much or too little

Feel tired or like you have no energy

Feel guilty or like you are worth nothing

Forget things or feel confused

Move and speak more slowly than usual

Act restless or have trouble staying still

Think about death or suicide

If you think you might be depressed, see your doctor or nurse. Only someone trained in mental health can tell for sure if you are depressed.

See someone right away if you want to hurt or kill yourself!

If you ever feel like you might hurt yourself or someone else, do one of these things:

Call your doctor or nurse and tell them it is urgent

Call for an ambulance

Go to the emergency room at your local hospital

National Center For Mental Hospital (TAGAL SUMAGOT, ER KA NA LANG!)