DA discourages panic-buying, assures public of enough food supply

The Department of Agriculture (DA) urged consumers in areas under Alert Level 3 to avoid panic-buying, saying that the country has more than enough food supply for the next three months.

In a statement released on Saturday, Jan. 8., DA Secretary William Dar said hoarding food supplies would cause artificial shortage and would even result in price increase.

For rice alone, the DA’s Philippine Integrated Rice Program said the supply nationwide will last for 115 days — just in time for the next harvest in April.

“Our inventory for basic food commodities, particularly rice, shows that we have more than enough supply that will last for more than the next three months,” Dar said.

"This also applies to lowland and highland vegetables, both at 85 percent and 107 percent sufficiency levels," he added.

Dar also urged local governments units (LGUs) to maintain an uninterrupted flow of food and agricultural inputs to and from production and consumption areas, particularly those hit by Typhoon Odette.

“We will see to it that food supply lines are kept open, in partnership with the LGUs, and ensure continuous delivery of major food items and temper prices,” he said.