Three priests from the Diocese of Borongan were appointed papal chaplains, the diocese announced on Friday, Jan. 7.

They were Msgr. Eutiquio Belizar, Jr., PC; Msgr. Lope Robredillo, PC; and Msgr. Romeo Solidon, PC.
"His Holiness Pope Francis appoints three priests of the Diocese of Borongan as “Chaplain to His Holiness”with the title of Monsignor," the diocese's Facebook page said.
In a post, the Diocese of Borongan congratulated the three priests and explained that the title “Monsignor” is an "honorific form of address" granted by the Pope, upon recommendation by his Bishop, to a diocesan priest who has rendered valuable service to the local church or who has provided a specific and specialized function in church governance.
"Because the title of monsignor historically designated a priest who served in the papal curia, all nominated Monsignors are officially considered part of the papal household, whether they serve in the Vatican or elsewhere," the post stated.
"In scaling back honorific positions within the Catholic Church in 2014 Pope Francis retained the category of “Chaplain to His Holiness” for any and all new nominated recipients. In keeping with Pope Francis’ reforms a “Chaplain to His Holiness” is only granted to a diocesan priest who is over 65 years of age," it further mentioned.