Growing up, Concerned Parent (CP) often teased Likeable Kid (LK) on matters of the heart. LK grew into an attractive young man and with that, his appeal to women was undeniable. As years passed, LK used his fame and fortune to his advantage. While making sure he had enough for his needs, he also ensured the future of his family.
Aware that showbiz is not forever, LK established businesses. LK’s main business was severely affected by the pandemic. However, CP noticed that similar businesses were already recovering, but LK’s was not. Worse, his endorsements were no longer as many as before and his projects were limited. CP worried more as LK had already dipped into his retirement fund and her fear is that LK might lose his ventures if he continued with his ways.
CP asked help from LK’s Best Pal (BP) to check into LK. BP said that he tried to remind LK about his situation, but LK does not listen when he’s in love. He wants to impress, which comes at a high price. CP is aware of LK’s escapades, but this time, he threw caution to the wind. LK is happily in love and that is his reality check. Thus, CP regrets not to have warned LK when he was younger about his demeanor when it comes to falling in love.
‘Love is not blind. Love sees everything and says yes to it all.’ ― Scott Stabile
Whereabouts Unknown
Thoughtful Wife (TW) wanted to surprise Versatile Celebrity (VC) at his location. VC told TW that he had a schedule for a shoot that day. TW prepared food for the production team as well. She just wanted to make him and the crew happy. Apparently, TW found out that Someone (SO) from VC’s past would be joining him.
Hours later, the delivery personnel came back with the food and told TW that no shooting was happening where VC said he would be. TW panicked and called her Close Contact (CC). CC said that the schedule was already cancelled due to new quarantine protocols. TW then sent a text to VC, who said he will call her back in a while. TW remained calm despite dirty thoughts flooding her mind.
When VC came home, he was shocked at the overwhelming amount of food. TW only said that she knew he would be tired from taping. She did not mention her original plan.
As she could not pacify herself, TW asked someone to check on SO’s whereabouts on the day of the cancelled shoot. She learned SO went about doing her business, which made TW panic more. TW continued her investigation.
A few weeks later, VC informed TW he had work on that day. This time, TW personally came over to the set with food for everyone. She and SO even exchanged pleasantries, but she left immediately. Of course, TW had already told CC to keep an eye on VC and SO. Meanwhile, TW’s investigation on where VC was on the day of the cancelled shoot has so far yielded nothing. VC had not even spoken about that secretive time. Still, TW continues to seek out the truth.
‘We have to stop and be humble enough to understand that there is something called mystery.’ − Paulo Coelho
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