Gary V shares 'breaking news' about wife

Gary V and wife Angeli

It seems like Gary Valenciano is too happy to see that his wife Angeli is now free of COVID-19.

In fact, Gary uploaded a "breaking news" clip of his wife who could be seen gardening.

"I guess she's really ok now!!!," he wrote.

A few days ago, Gary shared about Angeli's recovery.

"It was a scare because she did have it indeed but my wife Angeli is finally free of COVID-19," he said.

"The Lord took care of us as I never got it even if I was exposed to her on the day the test result came to her."

According to the singer, three people actually tested positive in their home all at the same time but all are now negative.

"I really really can’t thank you enough for all the prayers you sent our way," he said. "We love you and may Jesus become real in your lives the way He has become the truth in ours.'

Then he used these words as hashtags: "#healed," "#thankful," "#donewithcovid," "#keepstayingsafe," and "#stayhome."