WCKFI starts Christmas celebration with gift-giving to disadvantaged children

TURNOVER OF DONATION –Wong Chu King Foundation, Inc.’s celebration of Christmas started with a donation of food and essential goods to Philippine Children’s Mission in Barangay Pulong Gubat, Balagtas, Bulacan and to Naic Elementary School students and teaching personnel.

In celebration of Christmas, the Wong Chu King Foundation, Inc. (WCKFI) continues its commitment to help the orphans and the underprivileged members of society with donations of food and essential items to hundreds of individuals.

On Nov. 26, 2021, the WCKFI donated several sacks of rice, packs of bottled water, boxes of powdered milk, canned goods, biscuits, vitamins, and hygiene kits to the Philippine Children’s Mission in Barangay PulongGubat, Balagtas, Bulacan.

On Dec. 10, 2021, WCKFI also donated food packs to 250 less privileged pupils of Naic Elementary School. In the same event, the foundation also donated several appliances to the Teaching Force in recognition of their work during the pandemic.

WCKFI, a non-government organization, was incorporated on March 30, 1990 and is duly accredited by the Philippine Council of NGO Certification (PCNC) and a member of the Association of Foundations (AF).

WCKFI is a regular donor of several orphanages and institutions in the country in line with its mission to support the less privileged and the children under their care.

WCKFI always works to fulfil its vision to foster a compassionate society, starting with its readiness to lend caring hands to the vulnerable sectors of our society.