COVID-19 patients in PGH now down to 54 – spox

The Philippine General Hospital (PGH) now only has 54 confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients, the hospital’s lowest tally in more than a year, its spokesperson said on Friday, Dec. 3.


“We have about 350 beds reserved for COVID-19 especially during the surge and right now – the lowest number that we have gotten for almost more than a year – we are now down to 54 confirmed COVID-19 patients in the hospital. That’s roughly about 15 percent of our bed occupancy for COVID-19,” said Dr. Jonas Del Rosario, PGH spokesperson, in an interview on ANC’s Headstart.

He also pointed out that the patients admitted were “mostly moderate” and “some severe” cases of COVID-19.

“One good news is I was told for the last few days we have not admitted anybody with COVID-19. Our numbers are continuously going down... double-digit numbers are a rare occurrence in PGH, but now we’re really going into the 50s. Who knows, maybe in the next few days or weeks we will be down to the 20s,” he said.

Del Rosario welcomed the development as good news as it means that the hospital can now accommodate and cater to non-COVID patients.

“We have four COVID wards... which actually can house about 35 to 40 patients. Now we have trimmed it down we actually able to close the three COVID wards and open it to non-COVID patients,” he said.

He said PGH now accommodates their usual patients pre-pandemic: those with heart problems, kidney problems, pulmonary problems, “a big chunk of those with cancer”, and kids who are now allowed to get admitted. (Charie Mae F. Abarca)