Celebrities react to Joseph Marco's viral nude photo

Kapamilya actor Joseph Marco celebrated his 33rd birthday posing in the buff.

He went on to post the said picture on social media going on to garner huge attention.

"Year 33," his caption read.

Local stars like RK Bagatsing, EA Guzman, Ria Atayde, Rufa Mae Quinto, Sofia Andres, and Yam Concepcion were among those who were quick to greet him.

Iza Calzado, on the other hand, commented: "BRO. SANDALI LANG HA HINDI AKO PREPARED. HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAVORITE HUMANS!!! ILYSM!!!! *yes all caps because Your photo is sooooo (fire emojis)."

Albie Casiño added in jest: "Yang ang birthday pasabog! Happy birthday Mr. U pag tanda ko sana ganyan din ako ka Batak."

Some of his fans also shared their reaction:

"Gusto kong maging libro happy bday po"

"Sana all pantakip"

"Ano pong title ng book.."