Geely offers special financing promos for Coolray, Okavango

Owning a Geely is made more affordable with Geely’s Easy Own Deals. With the help of its partner banks (RCBC, BDO, BPI Family, UCPB, PS Bank, and China Bank Savings), Sojitz G Auto Philippines (SGAP), distributor of Geely cars, is offering new special promos for its Coolray and Okavango models.  

Customers who purchase any Coolray and Okavango variant from now until December 31, 2021 can choose from the following deals.

For the Coolray, it’s a choice of P75,000 all-in low downpayment on the Coolray Premium, low monthly of P10,965 on the Coolray Comfort (based on 50-percent downpayment), P90,000 savins on the Coolray Sport, or 12 months, zero interest for the Coolray Premium.

For the Okavango, it’s a choice of P85,000 all-in low downpayment on the Okavango Comfort, low monthly of P13,093 on the Okavango Comfort, P130,000 savings on the Okavango Urban Plus, or 12 months, zero interest for all Okavango models.

The Coolray has remained to be a top-seller model not only for Geely, but also among the competitive brands in the B-segment two-wheel drive SUV segment with 1,960 units sold from January to September 2021. The Geely Okavango likewise is gaining good reception in both the midsize SUV and MPV market with 1,633 units sold year-to-date.        

“We want to make things easier for our buyers during this approaching holiday season. As the cases of infections continue to go down and more people are being vaccinated, we look forward that it will bring forth a better business sentiment and create demand for brand-new vehicles.  For Geely, after two years of being present in the country, we are happy that we have remained strong, more so, thriving,” SGAP President and CEO, Yosuke Nishi said.