A creative sourcebook on using theater for climate education and action was launched by the Department of Education (DepEd) to further strengthen the integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation in basic education.

DepEd, through its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DRRMS), and Komunidad X launched the “KaLIKHAsan: Likha at Lakas ng Kabataan Para sa Kalikasan” which was developed for teachers, theater and performance practitioners, and workshop facilitators.
KaLIKHAsan explains how to design and facilitate a collaborative performance-making process with youth that includes climate action and the environment as central themes.
Education Secretary Leonor Briones commended the efforts of the creators for coming up with climate change solutions artistically and entertainingly for teachers and learners.
“Through KaLIKHAsan, we hope to see our learners create their own artistic interpretations of their visions for their community and the country,” Briones said.
DepEd said that the KaLIKHAsan Creative Sourcebook was developed following the success of the 2019 Climate Action Advocacy Show co-created and performed by 72 student-participants of the Sining Galing from Divisions of Malabon, Navotas, and Pasig City.
Meanwhile, DepEd DRRMS Director Ronilda Co explained that the development of the KaLIKHAsan creative sourcebook is one of the ways to strengthen the integration of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the basic education sector.
“By elevating our learners’ concerns through their talents and skills, we move forward towards a better society, one that can mitigate and adapt to climate change,” Co said.
The KaLIKHAsan: Creative Sourcebook was reviewed by the Curriculum and Instruction Strand, particularly by the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD), and Bureau of Learning Resources (BLR) and external partners from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), and the National Panel of Technical Experts (NPTE) of the Climate Change Commission (CCC).
Available at the DepEd Commons, DepEd LRMDS or at https://www.deped.gov.ph/kalikhasan-creative-sourcebook/, DepEd encouraged teachers to use the KaLIKHAsan Creative sourcebook as a guide in replicating and localizing the process of creating a Climate Action Advocacy Show to empower the learners toward advocating for climate change solutions.