Isko’s presidential bid gets backing from Cebuano group

CEBU CITY — A group has been formed here to support the presidential bid of Manila Mayor Isko Moreno.

At least 100 individuals coming from multiple groups on Thursday launched the President Isko Movement-Isulong ang Kapakanan ng Pilipinas (Primo-Isko).

The group is composed of representatives from the youth, women, informal settlers, fisherfolks, labor, famers, transport, PWDs and transport sectors, said Edward Ligas, one of the convernors of PRIMO-ISKO.

“The group has decided to support the candidacy for president of Isko Moreno mainly because of his strong potential to effectively lead the country in this challenging era,” said Ligas.

A man brandishes a placard pushing for a "cute and handsome" Isko Moreno to become the country's next president during the launching of the President Isko Movement-Isulong ang Kapakanan ng Pilipinas (Primo-Isko) on Thursday in Cebu City. (Juan Carlo De Vela/Manila Bulletin

In expressing their support, the group described Moreno as a person with “determination, dignity and grit.”

“Isko Moreno is not a trapo (traditional politician). He is no political royalty. He rose from poverty and is an inspiration to the underprivileged Filipinos to be able to defeat poverty with dignity,” the group said in a statement.

“He is the leader who will truly make a difference,” the group added.

Ligas added that the movement is planning to establish a headquarters in Cebu as part of the efforts to rally more support for Moreno.

Ligas said the group is expecting that Moreno’s ranking in the upcoming surveys will improve after the Manila mayor ranked third among the most preferred candidate for president in the latest Pulse Asia survey.

“For us, that’s not a problem. Remember when President (Rodrigo) Duterte ranked No. 4 in surveys. Once campaign will start, we are positive his (Moreno) ratings will increase,” Ligas explained.

Moreno has already announced his presidential bid with Dr. Willie Ong as his running mate.