Netizens laud Angel Locsin for telling post on 'politicians, businessmen, police’

Angel Locsin has always been outspoken.

She has gotten herself in trouble for it, at one point even being “red-tagged” by the military.

But it didn’t stop her from continuously voicing her concerns.

And she’s still at it.

Just recently, Angel took to social media to express exasperation over the ongoing health crisis, particularly those separated from loved ones due to quarantine restrictions.

She wrote: “To those who can’t go & console family & friends fighting their battles alone. I feel you. I wish for you to overcome whatever it is you are going through.”

What got huge notice though is her sharing a realization, which highlighted the importance of health workers in the fight against the ongoing pandemic.

She said, “This crisis has made me realize that the world can work without politicians, businessmen, police, and even without actors like me. But the world can never work without health workers. Again, thank you for all that you do. Sending everyone strength, hope, and love...”

Netizens applauded the actress.

The post has since garnered over 40, 000 likes.