Bea Alonzo's BFF shares steps on how to apologize following Gerald Anderson's viral interview

Bea Alonzo and Janus del Prado

Gerald Anderson was asked, if given the chance to reach out to former babe Bea Alonzo and her boyfriend Dominic Roque, would he do it?

Anderson answered: “More siguro kay Bea. I mean, huwag na po tayo siguro mandamay ng ibang tao. I really pray, I really hope she will find it in her heart to forgive what happened, forgive me. Nag-ho-hope lang ako.”

Later, actor Janus del Prado, Alonzo's BFF, post a cryptic post, seemingly referring to the said interview.

"May bagong show ata kaya nagso-sorry kay B. Sa amin nila Derek at OMC team di ka magso-sorry at pinag away away mo kami para lang pagtakpan yung kalokohan mo sa set? Bekenemen," it read.

Del Prado wrote another reminder, which he deemed timely and relevant.

"Never allow anyone back in your life that has tried to destroy you in the past, even if they say they've changed. Remember, a snake only shed it's skin just to become a larger snake."

In another post, Janus shared a "kodigo" on "how to apologize."

First, one should take full responsibility of their actions without splitting the blame to the other person, he said.

Then Del Prado added that they should sincerely say and mean that they are truly sorry.

"Don't expect or get mad if the other person refuses to forgive you. You've wronged them, so they have every right in the world to choose whether to forgive you or not."

Del Prado also reiterated that the other camp doesn't get to say "move on.''

He also believes a person should say sorry not just through words but most importantly through action.

And lastly, it should be done privately.

This is not the first time that Del Prado seemingly threw shade at Gerald.