Most business establishments in areas under the modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) classification are now allowed to operate either 100 percent or

Department of Trade and Industry Advisory No. 21-19 Series of 2021 issued by Secretary Ramon M. Lopez has specified economic sectors that are allowed to operate fully, limited and not allowed during the MECQ period from August 21 to 31, 2021 in the NCR and Bataan based on the IATF Resolution No. 134. .
The DTI Advisory has specified that personal care services, including beauty salons, beauty parlors, barbershops, and nail spas are banned from operating during the MECQ period.
Also not allowed to open are indoor and al-fresco services of food preparation establishments such as commissaries, restaurants and eateries.
In general, the following sectors are not allowed to operate under MECQ: contact sports, indoor sports, outdoor tourist attractions, venues for meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions, social events in elegible venue establishments, cinemas, amusement parks, casinos, horse racing, recreational venues such as internet cafes arcades, billiard halls, among others.
Traditional cockfighting has remained banned under any form of community quarantine, except for online “sabong” (cockfighting) licensed and regulated by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp.
Business establishments allowed to operate 100 percent under MECQ are manufacturers (food and medical), essential and priority construction projects, business process outsourcing, public transport, media, logistics, essential retail trade, veterinary clinics, capital markets, telcos, energy, airline and aircraft maintenance, professional services, and BPOS.
Allowed to operate at 50 percent capacity are other manufacturing such as electrical machinery, wood products, furniture, non-metallic products, textiles/wearing apparel, paper and paper products, rubber and plastic products, coke and refined petroleum products, other non-metallic mineral products, electrical equipment, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-traliers,, other transport equipment, hotels, accommodation facilities, consultancy services, advertising, films, music, photography, driving schools, travel agencies, pet grooming, testing and tutorial centers, review centers, language, dance, acting and voice schools.
“Strict monitoring of compliance with minimum public health and safety standards and protocols under the Department of Health Administrative Order No. 2020-0015, Series of 2020, DTI-DOLE JMC No. 2020-04-A, Series of 2020, DOLE Department Order No. 224-21, Series of 2021, and applicable guidelines, shall continue to be enforced,” the Advisory stated.