PCG conducts week-long maritime drills off Manila port

To strengthen maritime law enforcement in the country’s vast waters, personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) underwent a week-long maritime drills in the waters off Port Area in Manila recently.

PCG personnel manning Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessels and BRP Lapu-Lapu (MMOV-5001) conducted practical exercises on arresting techniques, tactical procedures, control bleeding techniques, and “shoot-don’t shoot” scenario among others.

The PCG’s boarding procedure workshop was held at the Coast Guard Surface Support Force (CGSSF) in Pier 13, Port Area, Manila from Aug. 11 to 18, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the PCG)
The PCG’s boarding procedure workshop was held at the Coast Guard Surface Support Force (CGSSF) in Pier 13, Port Area, Manila from Aug. 11 to 18, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the PCG)

The PCG’s boarding procedure workshop was held at the Coast Guard Surface Support Force (CGSSF) at Pier 13 from Aug. 11 to 18.

The training also covered a series of lectures on international law, boarding procedures, use of force, tactical concepts, and procedures.

The PCG’s boarding procedure workshop was held at the Coast Guard Surface Support Force (CGSSF) in Pier 13, Port Area, Manila from Aug. 11 to 18, 2021. (Photo courtesy of the PCG)

The PCG said the drills were facilitated by Lt. Junior Grade (LTJG) Mike De Torres, Seaman First Class (SN1) Harold Millanar, and Seaman Second Class (SN2) Jose Tolomia, all of the Coast Guard K9 Force.

“They ensured the efficient sharing of knowledge and skills to fellow PCG personnel in preparation for their mandated law enforcement missions within the Philippine maritime jurisdiction,” the PCG stated.