Anne Curtis, Catriona Gray urge lawmakers to change age of consent from 12 to 16

Celebrities Anne Curtis and Catriona Gray recently joined the UNICEF in urging the House of Representatives and the Senate to prioritize the immediate passage of a law that increases the age of sexual consent in the country from 12 to at least 16.

On Twitter, the Miss Universe 2018 wrote: "Calling on Philippine Congress ‼...It's MORE than alarming that the age of sexual consent in our country is still 12 YRS OLD. Not only is it one of the lowest in Asia and in the world, but it leaves young children in the PH vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Please act now!"

She also retweeted the post of United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) statement.

"In the Philippines, adults can have sex with children as young as 12 years old and claim it was consensual. We're calling on the Philippine Congress to immediately pass a law that increases the age to determine statutory rape. #ENDChildRape," it read.

Meanwhile, Anne retweeted: "In the Philippines, the legal age of consent remains at 12 - one of the lowest in the world. This provision of the law has not been amended for 91 years. Today, children 12 years old and above who were raped need to testify n court retraumatizing them as they recount the abuse. Change is long overdue. Rape is rape. #EndChildRape now."