Silicon Valley energy storage firm hopeful on PH renewable energy drive

Silicon Valley-based Amber Kinetics said that the Department of Energy has engaged the energy storage company for its breakthrough flywheel technology.

In a statement, Amber Kinetics said that DOE Director Mario Marasigan, recently engaged  Amber Kinetics to learn more about its breakthrough flywheel technology. DOE previously rolled out policies to reinforce energy storage technology in the country- a move that propelled Amber Kinetics to gain more confidence in bringing its technology to the Philippines.

“The DOE remains steadfast in its commitment to boost integration of renewable energy and improve system reliability in the country,” said Amber Kinetics in a statement. The company added that with local governments also championing the use of renewable energy, “the transition toward an emission-free society has never looked brighter.”

As a tropical country with abundant natural resources, the firm said that Philippines shows great potential to be reliant on renewable energy. However, Amber Kinetics also said that the country’s archipelagic nature also presents multiple challenges for energy quality and stability, such as recurring natural catastrophes and intermittent sources of energy. These concerns present a need for alternative and flexible energy solutions.

Amber Kinetics’ believes its flywheel technology is rugged enough to meet the challenge. Aside from having the properties to withstand harsh weather conditions, the flywheel also makes for a more environmentally friendly solution as it does not make use of rare earth materials. This type of energy storage also boasts features such as a long discharge duration and wide operating temperature.

The Philippines has registered various renewable energy milestones over the years. This suggests that there is a strong opportunity for energy storage systems to be present in the country to enable a more clean and stable power supply.

With DOE providing investors with a framework in deploying energy storage systems in the country, Amber Kinetics said that the Philippines turns to be on its way toward a clean energy landscape. DOE implements a technology-neutral approach to level the playing field for potential investors, making transparency and ease a top priority to achieve energy equity.

“The commitment of the Department of Energy in securing a sustainable energy future in the Philippines bodes well for the prospective energy storage solutions. With the right regulations in place and continued technological innovations, the country takes on the accelerated path toward satisfying the demand for clean energy,” the company said.