The P9. 36 billion Clark International Airport (CIA) Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) is set to be inaugurated next month.
Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade, who inspected the new terminal on June 8, cited its manager and operator, the Luzon International Premier Airport Development Corp. (LIPAD), for creating "something that can be called a masterpiece."
Close-to-final touches on the four-level facility are underway, following LIPAD's outfitting the terminal with vital installations for smooth operations.
The new terminal has the capacity to serve 8 million passengers per year, double the volume Clark served before the pandemic.
LIPAD CEO Bi Yong Chungunco welcomed the transportation chief and his party.
Secretary Tugade inspected all corners of the facility and checked the offices including those prepared for government functions such as immigration and transport security.
Methodical processes will be held under a system called Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT).
These ensure synchronizing the wide array of diverse and multi-pronged functions to be delivered at the new terminal within clear periods.
ORAT includes the conduct of run-throughs, initially involving table top exercises to highlight time and motion requirements in the rehearsals for airport personnel's roles and location.
Training of personnel was also a significant element of the preparations.
LIPAD committed to provide travelers safety, ease as well as delightful experiences at the airport.
LIPAD is a special purpose company established to manage the operations and maintenance of Clark International Airport.
Members include Filinvest Development Corporation, JG Summit Holdings Inc., Philippine Airport Ground Support Services Inc., Changi Airports Philippines Pte. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Changi Airports International.
The consortium members are each experienced in airport operations, air transportation and property development and pledged to use their expertise to transform CIA into a world-class airport.