The Annual Stockholders’ Meeting of RCBC will be held virtually on June 28, 2021 at 4 P.M.
For the safety and well-being of all the Bank's stakeholders, please be advised that, in lieu of a physical meeting, the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting of the Bank will be conducted virtually through June 28, 2021at 4:00 P.M., for the purpose of considering and acting on the following matters:
- Approval of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders held on July 27, 2020
- Approval of the Annual Report and the Audited Financial Statements for 2020
- Ratification of the actions and proceedings of the Board of Directors, different Committees and Management during the year 2020
- Confirmation of significant transactions with DOSRI and related parties
- Appointment of External Auditor
- Election of Directors
- Such other matters as may properly come before the meeting
The Notice, the Agenda and the Rationale/Explanation for Agenda Items may be accessed by scanning the QR Code below or going to
Stockholders of record at close of business on May 31, 2021 may participate in the virtual meeting either by remote communication by themselves or by proxy, or by casting their votes in absentia. Only stockholders or their proxies who duly register by email shall be allowed to access the virtual meeting at
Registration Voting and Proxy
Stockholders must registerand cast their votes by sending a registration email to [email protected].Registration will be accepted until 5:00 pm of June 20, 2021. Registration must be done in accordance with the requirements set forth under the Procedure for the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting. The Procedure for the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting may be accessed by scanning the QR Code below or by going to
Votes shall be cast by ballot or proxy in accordance with the Proxy Form, Vote Ballot, and the instructions/procedures indicated therein. Vote Ballots and Proxy Forms must be submitted together with the registration email to [email protected]and shall be accepted only until 5:00 pm of June 20, 2021. Failure of the stockholder to send his/her votes within the deadline shall be deemed a vote of approval for all the agenda items. The Proxy Form and the Vote Ballot(with pertinent instructions/procedure) may be accessed and downloaded by scanning the QR Code below or by going to
The validation of ballots and proxies shall be held on June 21, 2021at 9:00 am at the Office of the Corporate Secretariat at the 21st Floor, Tower 2 of RCBC Plaza.
Comments and Questions for the ASM
Due to logistical limitations at the virtual meeting, only relevant comments and questions on agenda items which are submitted by email to[email protected] by 5:00 pm of June 25, 2021 will be considered during the open forum. The Corporate Secretary shall respond by email to all other relevant questions received after said cut-off and until the end of the meeting on June 28, 2021.
Definitive Information Statement and Other Materials
A copy of the Definitive Information Statement (DIS) (which includes the Annual Report, Interim Report, Audited Financial Statements, and other pertinent information) pursuant to Section 20-IS of the Securities Regulation Code is available via and via the PSE Edge Portal at It can also be accessed by scanning the QR Code below.
Questions or requests for clarification on the procedure for attending the annual stockholders’ meeting through remote communication, may be emailed to [email protected] with subject: CLARIFICATION NEEDED.
The Bank undertakes to provide each stockholder without charge a copy of the annual report on SEC Form 17-A upon written request to the Bank addressed to:
Atty. George Gilbert G. dela Cuesta
Corporate Secretary
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
46/F, Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza
6819 Ayala Ave. cor. Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave. Makati City