Lower House leader cites Go for supporting hospital expansion measures

House Majority Leader and Leyte 1st District Rep. Martin G. Romualdez on Sunday, May 23 lauded Senator Christopher “Bong” Go for pushing for the swift passage of a number of hospital expansion bills, saying that this just proved the senator's sincerity and “malasakit (compassion) in helping Filipinos.

At the same time, Romualdez called on Senate President Vicente Sotto III, Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri and other senators to expedite the passage of the said measures that seek to improve basic health care services in the countryside.

Romualdez said Go’s support for the hospital expansion bills has become apparent amid the assault on the health care system resulting from the increased cases of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the country.

“Thank you Sen. Bong Go for championing the country’s healthcare system as you foster empathy, compassion, unwavering commitment and sensitivity in pushing for the approval of several measures seeking to expand the bed capacities of our hospitals nationwide,” Romualdez, chairman of the House Committee on Rules.

“Your pro-people legislation to make the lives of Filipinos comfortable has been inspiring us to work harder, smarter and more efficiently,” Romualdez, president of the Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (Lakas-CMD).

Romualdez and his wife, Tingog party-list Rep. Yedda Marie K. Romualdez are principal authors of twin bills pending in the Senate plenary seeking to increase the bed capacities of the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center (EVRMC) in Tacloban City and Schistomiasis Hospital in Palo, Leyte.

“These bills are seeking to upgrade the services, facilities, professional healthcare, and increase the number of medical personnel of two hospitals to serve the people,” Romualdez said, president of the Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (CMD).

On the other hand, Romualdez urged the Senate leadership to back Go’s move for the immediate approval of the hospital expansion bills.

“We earnestly urge our counterparts in the Senate to expedite the passage of these measures. The increase in bed capacity is aimed at bridging the current gap between hospital beds in the region and improve the quality of healthcare system,” Romualdez appealed.

The senior administration lawmaker added: “We are confident that the Senate is one with our goal to pass these bills into law to help the struggling hospitals keep up with the increasing number of patients, especially now with COVID pandemic.”