Hontiveros lauds ECC move to pay workers for WFH-sustained injuries

Senator Risa Hontiveros on Sunday lauded the Employers Compensation Commission (ECC) for its move to pay workers for injuries sustained while working from home.

“Now that a lot of workers are under a work-from-home arrangement, it’s a big thing for a worker to be assured their company will take care of their needs whatever happens to them wherever they are of even if they are just at home,” the senator said in Filipino.

“The essence of workplace safety and health goes beyond the workers’ offices. This new resolution from the ECC provides clarity as to how Filipino workers can avail of compensation in the event they get sick, or suffer from disability or death from injuries sustained while working from home,” she said.

Under the ECC’s Board Resolution No. 21-03-09, disability or death due to injuries sustained by the employees, both private and government, while working from home will be compensable under the Employees Compensation Program (ECP).

The claim requires a written directive or order from his or her employer specifying a work-from-home arrangement or the performance of specific tasks within a specified period at the residence or dwelling place of the employee.

Last month, Hontiveros also lauded the ECC for listing COVID-19 as a compensable occupational disease.

The lawmaker stressed the latest ECC resolution is timely and relevant since many illnesses may arise due to longer working hours and lack of time boundaries when working remotely at home.

A recent study published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) revealed that more than 55 hours of working per week increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

“There’s a higher risk of getting stroke and heart disease in the long run. The resolution will provide employees with much-needed protection and safeguards especially against the long-term effects of a work from home set-up,” she said.

She also said there is a need to institutionalize a “right to disconnect” from work policy to prevent labor abuse and exploitation.

“There have been many instances in which remote workers are forced to be alert or online 24/7,” she pointed out.

“Our workers deserve better working conditions. If they are healthy, employees tend to be more productive. Taking care of our workers well would be key for us to economically recover,” she emphasized. ]