The best gift ever for mother

That’s a happy, loving, responsible, fulfilled child, so we ask mothers and mentors what values they teach their children

Robina Gokongwei-Pe, Retail president of Robinson

To let her/him learn to be a follower first.


Alice T. Liu, chief retail officer, Golden ABC

As a mother, I hope to be able to teach my children resilience and perseverance to help them be the best version of themselves. Resiliency is important so that they can bounce back from failures they will encounter in their personal and professional journey. Perseverance is important as well, to see through something that may not be the easiest task to achieve but may be worthwhile in the long term. On top of this, the last quality for a balanced life is gratitude—to know that after all the effort you put into your endeavors, everything is still a blessing, so we have to also be thankful for whatever circumstance we find ourselves in and allow God to direct us.


Myrna Yao, president and CEO, Richprime Global Inc.

The most important quality to raise or mentor an achiever is the acumen of her strong determination. Even as a child, you can already see that she will work hard to achieve what she or he wants. They will not stop until they reach their goal. I have trained my daughters and managers to be strong, determined, and hardworking, but each one will grow differently from each other. They, however, still achieved what they wanted because I guide them by seeing where their interest and passion goes. Determination and passion are normally intertwined together. For an achiever, they should love what they are doing and be determined to achieve it.


Rose Marie Manlapit Zamora, businesswoman

As mothers, we are the first teachers to our achievers. We should deeply instill in our achievers the profound meaning of “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,” with optimum accountability, and infinite fear of the Lord. Rear our children in Christian values and make Christ the center of our lives.


Redgie Acuna-Magno, vice president, Drama department, Entertainment TV, GMA 7 

An effective mentor is someone who is non-judgmental. He/she should support and challenge a mentee and not judge him or her. A mentor should be able to give constructive feedback and is approachable and a good listener.


Anna Meloto-Wilk, president and co-founder, Human Heart Nature

I’m a mother of six children ranging in ages from 15 down to four years old. My goal as a parent is to raise confident, compassionate, and competent humans who will mature into contributing adults who use their unique gifts and personalities to serve others and make things better in their chosen fields.

I teach them discipline, integrity, and commitment (meeting deadlines, submitting their best work, being honest, and enduring through the difficulties), how to be comfortable with struggle (stretch them with tasks that will challenge them), how to be gracious in defeat (by not always letting them win in games), and to decouple failing at a task, no matter how major, from failing as a person by letting them know that their worth is not in their achievements. One advice that I always remind them of is “Don’t peak in high school or even in college. It’s ok to be a late bloomer.”


Marga Nograles, Kaayo founder

I always believe that you lead by example. There is no right or wrong in raising your children because they are your children. So for me, I strive to be the best version of myself every day. I keep positive and hopeful, I work hard, I serve best way I can, and I lift everything up to the Lord. My kids I see are a better version of me, and for that I am so very grateful.


Carmina Sanchez Jacob, PR executive

I am a big believer that nurturing a child’s natural inclinations is key to helping raise them to be achievers. I speak from experience as my own parents supported my passion for all things creative, leading me to have confidence in taking on any work of that nature. My entire career in marketing, communications, brand management, and merchandising evolved because I was nurtured to think creatively, even as a professional. My bosses in my various posts also saw that I was capable of thinking outside the box, and pushed my limits. I credit all of them for helping me get to where I am today. As a mother I hope that by supporting my son’s interests while instilling discipline and a sense of responsibility, I too can help him achieve beyond his own expectations. I hope he finds joy and purpose and an ability to keep adapting as he grows older, qualities that are important to being an achiever.


Carissa Cruz Evangelista, founder of Beatriz

In raising or mentoring achievers, the most important quality is respect for the child’s talents, strengths, uniqueness, and individuality. Like no one individual is the same, our children are not the same and have separate needs and ambitions. As parents, it is our responsibility to help our children develop these God-given talents, help them develop moral and mature thinking, compassion for others, and tools for self-care and regulation. All these lessons in life are shared with each very different stage in a child’s life (a toddler is very different from a teenager) and are wrapped in love, patience, and understanding. Ultimately what will be left with our children are their happy memories with us and their firm foundation and values and, with hope, something extra that will help sustain them and their future families.


Nove-Ann Tan, homeschooling professional

In my 20 years of parenting and coaching other kids, I’ve realized what matters most is that I am a good role model to my kids. I believe I cannot impart something that we don’t have.


Marian Manaloto, teacher

I strongly believe that heart, dedication, patience, and selflessness are the characteristics a mom and a teacher should have to mold her children and her students. The best way to educate a child cannot be simply be seen or read on modules, it should come from the heart of a teacher who’s also a mother.


Marevic Parcon, executive director of Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights 

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Be accountable and demand accountability. Trust in the power of people. Work with them. They have the power to bring social change. Have a heart that is willing to learn and serve others. At the same time, take care of your own wellbeing. Have fun. Another thing, calls for respect of women’s rights are meaningless without addressing access to sexual and reproductive health and respecting the right to bodily autonomy.


Reese Fernandez Ruiz, president and founding partner of Rags2Riches, Inc.

Empathy! It is one of the most important traits and values of truly effective leaders. We cannot lead or guide if we don't understand people first. Leadership is not about being the first or the best, it is about service. The best leaders who made the world better are not the ones who put themselves first, but the ones who led with empathy and compassion.


Safa Nessmarie Roadas, head chef at L’attitude at Morpheus, Melco Resorts (City of Dreams Macau)

The world has drastically changed with our current pandemic situation. It breeds negative energy, drives anxieties, and fears especially among the youth who are facing an uncertain future. This time has taught me a lot about persevering and thriving through the toughest times. If there is one most important thing I can impart from my experience, it is to always find the good in everyone and in every situation. See the value in every person and capitalize on these strengths to bring positive results. Learn to assess every situation with confidence and trust that you have a good support system rallying behind you. Learn from each other. Inspire and be inspired. A positive mindset will help develop resilience, stimulate motivation, and engage everyone to work for the common good.


Jeannie Javelosa, co-founder ECHOstore and GREAT Women

Young leaders and achievers must be grounded in themselves, rooted in their own individual vision and values by how to live life or what they believe in. So the lesson to learn is to go inside and be clear about what drives them, their passions and advocacies, and what they truly believe in. It is very easy to be a follower with so many trends and a world so polluted by lesser objectives of the ego. To be a leader today is more challenging because there is a responsibility to rebuild the world. To be a leader is to have that defining direction and passion for something good, fair, reachable, if done by many together. We need the young leaders to envision a better society and planet, raise their ideals toward helping create innovative solutions to make lives fair, equitable, and truly sustainable.