Veritas Truth Survey: 27% of Filipinos want church sound system improved during Masses

Twenty-seven percent of Filipinos want the church sound system improved during Masses, the Veritas Truth Survey (VTS) showed.

Radio Veritas

When asked "Based on your experience of attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, what aspects of its celebration do you think needs more improvement?" 24 percent of the respondents also answered choir and song selection, followed by priest homily and church ambiance which was tied at 20 percent, Mass readers at five percent, and friendliness of Church volunteers at four percent.

In a statement released on Tuesday, May 4, VTS head Brother Clifford Sorita said across age groups, these concerns vary.

"Results would similarly reveal that different age group would have different concerns while attending the Mass. For those ages 13- 20 (teens) their concern would be the Church ambiance; for those 21-39 years old (young adults) it would be the sound system, for those 40-60 years old (adults) it would be choir and song selection, and finally for those 61 and above (elderly) their top concern was the homily of the priest," he said.

Father Anton Pascual, president of Radio Veritas, said the survey is just one in a series of surveys that they are conducting during the Celebration of the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines as way to fully understand the richness of the faith, and to fully utilize the survey results to help in the ongoing evangelization thrust of the Philippine Catholic Church.

"We hope that through this social research initiative, we may be able to help the Church to continue to fulfill its mission beyond this 500th Year Festivities," he said.

Conducted from March 31 to April 30, the survey initiated by Radio Veritas used a stratified sample of 1,200 respondents nationwide for a +/- 3 percent margin of error gathered through a text-based and online data gathering process.