Duterte to skip ASEAN Summit this weekend; Locsin to represent PH

President Duterte will not attend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia this weekend wherein the 10 members are scheduled to tackle the crisis in Myanmar. 

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

“Ang presidente po hindi personally mag-a-attend (The President will not personally attend) but I’m sure that our Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) will be there,” Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said in his virtual presser Thursday, April 22.

“The President, through Secretary (Teodoro) Locsin, will convey the Philippines’ commitment to ASEAN’s collective efforts in addressing threats and challenges to peace and stability in the region,” the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said.

In a statement, DFA said Duterte has designated Secretary Teodoro Locsin, Jr. as his Special Envoy to the summit that will be held on April 24.

The Philippines did not join the earlier United Nations Human Rights Council resolution that called for the release of the country’s civilian leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The country maintained that the crisis in Myanmar should be resolved domestically. 

This is also in line with the ASEAN’s principles of consensus and non-interference that restricts the member-states from meddling in the domestic affairs of other members. 

Roque said the summit this weekend will decide on a common position from ASEAN about the crisis in Myanmar, which started in early February after the military overthrew the country’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi.

It triggered a popular revolt followed by a violent crackdown on protests and civilians that left 738 killed by junta security forces. On Tuesday, local media said some six villagers were killed in a crackdown on dissenters. 

Roque said that Duterte is skipping the summit because of safety reasons since it will be done face-to-face.

The spokesman noted Duterte is not the only head of state who won’t attend the ASEAN Sunmit, although most member-states will send representatives, mostly their foreign ministers. 

“The Philippines strongly supported the convening of the meeting even without the full attendance of all ASEAN Leaders,” it said.

Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister and top diplomat Don Pramudwinai will attend the summit instead of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha. 

The summit came after the European Union (EU) imposed stiff sanctions on the militarily-controlled Myanmar, also known as Burma. 

Aside from Myanmar and the Philippines, ASEAN is composed of Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, Laos, and Vietnam.