6G must have compelling use cases to succeed 5G – Huawei


6G, the next-in-line mobile network technology after the current 5G, is expected to launch around 2030.

The statement came from Huawei’s Rotating Chairman Eric Xu during a global analyst conference.

5G’s successor, however, is not yet defined at the moment, but Xu assured that 6G will make an impact on businesses and consumers.

The executive said that Huawei is currently working to define 6G’s specifications and will release a 6G white paper soon.

Xu added that 6G development will depend on potential use cases.

He proposed that Huawei and the industry must present compelling use cases for 6G or it will not necessarily launch in the coming years.

6G technology is projected to deliver speeds 50x faster than 5G.

Networks relying on 6G could reach a maximum data rate of up to 1,000Gbps (gigabits per second) with a delay of less than 100 microseconds.

6G is sought to address wireless connection issues in scenarios involving high-speed movements, such as on trains and airplanes.

Discussions on 6G have been going the rounds among tech circles, despite 5G networks have just started rolling out in different parts of the globe.

The majority of consumers and businesses are still using 4G networks, though manufacturers are tirelessly introducing 5G smartphones to the market.

In China alone, the number of consumers subscribed to 5G packages offered by service providers is still smaller versus the number of those connected to 4G and other mobile network standards.

China Mobile, for example, has only 165 million 5G subscribers out of 942 million subscribers.

The same goes for China Telecom (86.5 million out of 351 million) and China Unicom (70.83 million out of 306 million).