Gov’t should set up drugs rehabilitation facility in every province -- CHR-NCR

The Commission of Human Rights office in the National Capital Region (CHR-NCR) has urged the setting up of government-operated treatment facility in every province to speed up the eradication of the country’s illegal drugs problem.

Commission on Human Rights (MANILA BULLETIN)
Commission on Human Rights

CHR-NCR Director Diana B. de Leon said that after an exhaustive study, an analysis showed that local government units (LGUs) should consider a holistic approach of the law in dealing with the drug situation.

"This research reminds the public administrators to immediately consider the provision of the law stating that a government-operated treatment facility should be established in every province," she said.

"LGUs must enhance its drug prevention and education programs by mobilizing specific committees to conduct a year-round drug awareness campaign," she added.

The exhaustive study and analysis conducted by De Leon and her team highlighted Article IV of the drugs law, Republic Act No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act, which stated that institutions should be empowered to help in the monitoring, prevention, and deterrence in the use of dangerous drugs.

These social institutions include the family, church, and education system, De Leon said.

She pointed out that respondents in the research said that the biggest problem of the proliferation of the illegal drugs trade is weak "border security," which is why illegal drugs easily come into the country.

She also said respondents said that the war on drugs under the current administration polarizes citizens, so they suggested that authorities address "the root of the problem" while conducting rehabilitation and adherence to due process.

"The punitive nature of the law overwhelms other realities that must be taken into consideration such as treatment, rehabilitation, and the role of social institutions," she stressed quoting the report.